Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Multiplication of Ministry – Part I

Sorry it’s been so long since our last update. LOTS of cool stuff has been going on. In just the last couple of weeks, several folks that were unable to walk without the aid of canes and crutches and been healed. Several deaf ears and blind eyes have been opened and multitudes of diseases have been healed. More than that, hundreds have been equipped and released into the harvest field to “do the stuff”.

Eat that devil.

If you’ve been reading this site for any length of time, you are aware that we’ve been out there, “doing the stuff” for some time now. The last 5 years have been a roller coaster of supernatural events, with incredible displays of God’s power and glory. As a church and ministry, we’ve seen the supernatural become a lifestyle. Now healings, miracles, signs and wonders have become our daily bread.

A few months ago, the Lord used some very dramatic signs to get my attention. These signs pointed to a message that He was speaking to us: “There is an awesome multiplication of ministry on its way.” We knew that we were on the cusp of multiplication, the air has been pregnant with what the Lord was about to do. We have seen all these things, but a hunger for more is growing in our midst. And we’ve found ourselves asking, “If the Lord could do what he’s been doing with one church, or one ministry, what could He do with multiple churches and multiple ministries?”

We’re just now starting to see.

My Dad wrote a book last year titled; “It’s the End of the Church as We Know It”. The book was published by Destiny Image publishers and is currently going around the world. In the book, he explains and details the ride that we have been on as a church that has been pursuing the Gospel of the Kingdom. It’s not theoretical or philosophical, it’s reality; and it’s hitting a nerve.

Several nationally and internationally known ministers, who happen to be our friends, have read the book and are standing with us to get the message out. The message is simple: “There are 168 hours in every week, who are you as a Christian, the other 166 hours a week that you are not in church?” When the book came out, the Lord spoke to us to begin to hold conferences that aren’t just conferences, but events that would mobilize, equip and send the church into the harvest fields, as well as change the culture of the church from spectator driven to interactive. We held our first one just last week and have another couple on the horizon. If the first was any indication of what the Lord was speaking about, we’re pretty excited.

Last week at this conference, we were able to take about 120 people out on the streets, many for the very first time and release them to bring Heaven to Earth in a tangible way. We just returned from a trip in Oklahoma City, where we took about 70 people out on the streets, doing the stuff. On both weekends, many folks met the Lord, multitudes received prophetic words and miracles happened everywhere we went. There was an authentic hunger within the group; a hunger that took us by surprise. We are used to folks wanting to come to conferences and many of our conferences are packed out events. But in the past, it has seemed like few were interested in actually doing ministry. Since the first of this year it seems that things are different. The saints are fed up with being fed and finally realizing that they must give away!

Here are some of the results of that hunger.

Here in Atlanta, we had two different outreaches on two different days. On the first day, the weather was bad and the teams were restricted to indoor locations only, and with 120 people too! No big deal, we have lots of places to go! We hit several nursing homes and businesses around the church. One of the groups got kicked out of a store, but just about everyone else had a good time. The prophetic was really flowing and a bunch of people received prophecies and words of knowledge. Several folks were saved and there were dozens of healings. My favorite one though happened at a nursing home. One of our teams encountered an older gentleman; I think that he was 85 years old or older. When the team preached the Gospel of the Kingdom to him, he said, “I have never heard that!” The team called him to repentance and he responded, giving his life to the Lord and receiving forgiveness after 85 years+ in sin!

85 years of the enemy’s work destroyed!

The next day we had better weather and about 100 folks to send out into the highways and byways. We headed out and broke up the 100+ people into small groups of four and five. Right away, people started getting saved and healed. One of the folks that got healed was an elderly woman who was actually in the waiting area of the emergency room. One of our teams got in there and asked her what was going on. She was deaf in one ear. The team told her of the Kingdom of God and released healing over her. In just a couple of minutes that deaf ear opened! She could hear just fine!

Another team encountered a guy that was on crutches. They found out that he had a broken ankle and was in pain. As the team preached the Gospel of the Kingdom to him, he dropped his crutches and began to walk without them. At first, he was still in pain with limited mobility, but as he walked in faith, the power of God touched him and all pain left him! He walked up and down without any pain and without immobility! The crutches are hanging on the wall at the church!

Another team encountered a man that was just released from the hospital. He had been in a car accident and was walking out the door of the hospital wearing a neck brace with severe neck pain. One of our teams told him of the Kingdom of God and prayed for his neck. As they prayed, his neck grew strangely warm. The team asked him to take off the brace as the Spirit was obviously moving on him. As he did, they prayed again and this time ALL pain left his neck and ALL mobility was restored! He gave us the neck brace and it is also hanging on our church wall!

These were just a few of the stories in the last couple of weeks.

More to come!


Esther said...

Praise God!!!!! Get this: after becoming equipped this past weekend through Harvest Fest, my friend demonstrated healing just this past Tuesday!! An older lady walked by and my friend immediately felt pain in her leg. Not only was this lady's leg healed, but she was also experiencing heart tremors-- that was all healed too in the name of Jesus!!

DEFINITELY more to come!!! This is only the beginning for us! (My friend and I learned so much this past weekend- things we never really realized that we have all authority and are commanded to do!)

Unknown said...


I LOVE your hunger! That is so awesome.

BTW, I read your blog and THANK YOU for transcribing that message on Friday night in OKC. Literally I had a "caught up" type experience while I was preaching and I didn't know what I said after the first few minutes! So it was good to read your blog and see what I said!

Anyway, just stick close to Brian Blount and those guys and never stop preaching and believing the gospel of the Kingdom of God!

Bless you,